A treatment to reinvigorate your passion after you lost it.
This is for you if you had passion and then were knocked off course. You must be aware of how you lost your passion – such as from a loss or life event that left you without passion. This treatment reinvigorates that lost passion.
This is not a treatment for you if never had passion to begin with.
Passion vs Mental Excitement
This is not for mental excitement, which is temporary, but for emotional passion. Although the two may feel similar they are created differently. Passion is when the emotional body connects with the soul. Mental excitement is not necessarily passion.
The Emotional and Spiritual Bodies
This treatment works primarily with the spiritual and emotional body. The emotional body is used as a means of communication to the spiritual body. When the emotional body raises its frequency to the spiritual body it will blend and transfer intuition and innate intelligence. Often when choices are made because someone is drawn intuitively to something it is from this transference.
When you lose this connection between the emotional body and the spiritual body you are no longer internally motivated and will seek external influences in order to stay motivated such as from others. If can often feel like a sense aimlessness or treading water.
Often if you are burnt out emotionally you will often be physically depleted as well.
This treatment reinflates the emotional body so this communication can occur more clearly again and the soul can reinvigorate the emotional body with passion and motivation.
Examples of Lost Passion
Ones who have had the wind knocked out of them.
An Example: John is pursuing something in life and has a traumatic event happen such as his wife dies. Emotionally devastated – his ability to have passion is non existent. The pain prevents the emotional well being. That becomes an apposing energy that prevents things in his life. Causing depression and other issues. This treatment is good after their energy has settled.
Ones who are burnt out emotionally and spiritually.
An Example: Over time work zapped the life out of Suzie. Being a counselor she absorbed other people’s energy and over time she became bogged down by other’s energy.
Parts & Timing
2 Part Treatment – 24 hours – 7 days Apart
The Effects of Part 1 & Part 2
Part 1) is fairly gentle and is about getting your body into alignment, you may not feel much.
Part 2) is a big strong shift and will likely have changed your emotional body if they have accepted energy.
Other Treatments
Repowering the Core is for ones who have had passion and need to reboot it again.
If you have never had passion before explore the treatment Brain Passion which kick starts passion.