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During a Tai Yi Treatment

What to Wear

Wear clothes that you would be comfortable laying in a face-up and face-down position for about an hour. Try to wear simple clothes without complex patterns, often the plainer the better, such as solid-colored shirts.
Additionally, clients will never be asked to disrobe during a tai yi treatment.

Remove All Metal

During the treatment avoid itching, rubbing or putting any pressure on your body.
Tai Yi treatments operate on a grid system using a pound of pressure. Because of this during a treatment any extra pressure on the body is ideally avoided such as rubbing or itching. If, however, you do have an itch during the session just let me know.

During most treatments, you will lay face down and face up on a table. However, some treatments may need access to the top of your head therefore requiring you to sit on the table or in a chair. During these times a bolster will be placed under your wrist to avoid putting any pressure on your need or other parts of your body.

Coming into the session relaxed, well-rested, and ready to receive will greatly increase the quality of the treatment as it allows you to be in a more receptive state and therefore the treatment will go more deeply. Conversely coming into the treatment tired or hungover can greatly diminish the quality of treatment you will receive as your body will not be as receptive.

Now that you have an idea of what to do during the session see what to do after. Before a Treatment