This treatment shifts the circulation out of old patterns for cleaner flow within the Intestine, Lymphatic, Digestive and Circulatory Systems.
Who would benefit
This is beneficial for individuals who have a hard time sweating, sweat to much or have coldness in extremities. Also beneficial for working with leaky gut as long as diet is being watched and inflammation is reduced. If diet is not supportive this can become a highly toxic treatment and will compound and recirculate issues and toxic food in the body. As a rule avoid dramatic diet changes when receiving this treatment as well.
This only has a mild effect on blood pressure issues. But is wonderful for the lymphatic and Circulatory system
Effects of Treatment
This treatment shifts the circulation out of old patterns for a cleaner flow creating a shift in the circulation of blood and energy/chi within the body. This beneficially shifts and alters the patterns of blood flow to the brain. A side benefit is that it also assists in increasing the circulation to the skin.
This treatment effects 4 primary systems within the body: the Circulatory, Digestive, Lymphatic systems and the intestines. Because of this the treatment can be tailored to focus on one or more of these systems.
This treatment is accompanied by Skin Brushing and Exercise for a month after.
Skin Brushing
This treatment is accompanied by skin brushing to assist in moving old chi and toxins out of the body. Skin brushing assists the lymphatic and nervous systems.
Do this for a month after the treatment being gentle the first week as to not affect the treatment. If there is mobility issues get assistance from another individual.
For 5 minutes, 5-15 min before bathing, brush from all over the body towards the solar plexus/middle intestine on the front of the body. Use smooth, gentle, even strokes with gentle pressure (a little less than a 1 lb of pressure).
To test it – a good pressure can cause nerve feedback on the spine and neck.
Make sure that the brush is not scratching or irritating skin. If this is the case it may be necessary to buy a softer brush or it may be that too much pressure is being applied when brushing.

The Brush
Plant based brushes are best.
Do Not share your brush.
In addition to skin brushing it is also important to exercise everyday after the treatment to create greater circulation. The intention is to create movement within the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Exercise can be as a little as 5 minutes a day.
Start with light exercise then increase 3 days after the treatment to avoid effecting the treatment. Beginning full regular exercise at 7 days after.
As a rule of thumb exercise until skin is clammy and interior is warm. At this point the lymphatic system is being stimulated. Additionally, optimal work is between 60-80% of maximum heart rate. Beyond this point is not beneficial and can be self defeating as the muscle will often begin producing waste and the lymphatic system may begin over working.
For those that exercise regularly do less intensity for longer.
It important to increase deep breathing to assist in movement of chi. Breathing is often accompanied with increased exercise so if exercise is increased it would be expected that so would deeper breathing. To create chi movement simply do more deep breathing through out parts of the day.
After treatment begin skin brushing, 3 days after begin moderate exercise. Continue this for 30 days to create deepest effect from the treatment.