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Genetic Strings

Genetic Strings This treatment awakens and brings awareness to your genetic connections. It bring awareness to the internal conflict that may be occurring in your genetics. And it also...

Garden of Life: Blood

Garden of Life: Blood This treatment energizes the bodies natural mechanisms to filter the blood and supports the detoxifications of the body. Works well for the Spleen and Kidneys and...

False Identity

Reveals how you created a false identity even if you don’t remember how it was created. Then assists in revealing your true self. A false identity arises when an...

Eye of the Storm

The body is full of warning systems.  But because of improper diets, long periods of depression and/or anger, the warning systems become stagnant. This treatment will awaken your warning...

Excusing Excuses

This treatment assists with even the most successful excuses by bringing awareness to what they are and how subtly you may use them. This treatment should be used with...

Emotional Immunity

This treatment seals off artificial pathways which then seals off emotional abuse by myself, individuals, group, governments, religions. This treatment assists in first healing emotional abuse from yourself which...

Earth Root

Earth Root Good for individuals experiencing lower back issues. Extremely beneficial when used in tandem with other modalities such as Chiropractic or Massage that are focused on the lower back. This treatment allows that work to go deeper with greater...