Cord Removal Treatment This treatment removes cords that are connected into your energy field often alleviating negative emotions, thoughts and influences. Are You Corded? This article goes into what...
The Door of Light (2 Parts) The door of light is a treatment that opens the door of light internally allowing ones to explore their personality, their life, their...
The Missing Father Treatment is if you did not have a father, or a father figure, in your life. Whether they were absent physically or they were present but...
Frequently Asked Question about Cords Common questions about Cords Why do I have a cord? You have a weak point in your energetic field. This is similar to a...
This exercise resets the firing of the brain to allow it to properly process information from the mind. When the firing mechanism is out of sync it is like...
A treatment for children to assist them with their own inner knowingness and to release the energy they have taken on from others. A treatment for children 13 and...
This treatment balances the Adrenalin and Cortisol reaction within your brain and adrenal glands, assisting the body by returning it to a healthy state in relationship to stress. This is...