This treatment creates a peace between the inner brain and the outer brain allowing for a deeper expression of powerful abilities and creativities held within the inner brain. This...
The Missing Mother Treatment is for anyone that feels they did not receive nourishment from the mother energy. Even if the mother was physically present during childhood but was...
The Missing Father Treatment is if you did not have a father, or a father figure, in your life. Whether they were absent physically or they were present but...
Metal Toxicity Treatment purges and detoxes the body of Heavy Metals. Heavy Metal toxicity is one the of the strongest toxic environmental pressures that humans interact with on a...
This Treatment helps to relieve internal mental stress. Afterwards this is generally a peaceful feeling treatment. What is Mental Stress? Stress in the mental body is created through contradictory...
This treatment removes alien implants and assists in the trauma accompanied by interactions with aliens whether being directly abducted or having witnessed. Implants Aliens who implant humans see the...
Love Obstruction This heals the pain from spiritually immature relationships that did not end in a loving manner. This applies to all relationships including romantic relationship. The Third Entity...
Liver Purge This treatment Purges and Detoxifies the Liver of Toxins both Physically and Energetically and Helps to Stop Attracting Further Toxins in the Liver. The Effects of This...
Link of Destruction (3 Part) A Link is similar to a microchip that is connects in the Cerebellum and moves into the temporal lobe. It act like a receiver...
Intestine Brain Oracle This treatment awakens the intelligence of the intestinal system, also known as the enteric nervous system, to create a more harmonious gut. What is the Oracle?...