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The Missing Father Treatment is if you did not have a father, or a father figure, in your life. Whether they were absent physically or they were present but absent mentally or emotionally. Or they were simply not present at all and/or simply did not give you what your needs were.

Coping with an Absent Father

When a positive father figure is absent a child finds a way to cope often leading to anger, anxiety, depression and addiction.

This exercise brings the internal father child relationship back into alignment. This creates an internal harmony of how it would have been if a healthy father figure had been present.

There are two primary types of treatments in Tai Yi – Purging and Harmonizing – this is a purging treatment meaning a person receiving this treatment may experience an internal conflict or an internal purging of their issues with their father. The result is healing but the treatment itself can be a little intense.

Missing Father should only be done after a person has gone through puberty.

Other Treatments

Healing the Bastard is a more gentle treatment and good for ones alienated from their family or parents.
Missing Mother is a cousin to this treatment and focuses on the absent mother figure.
Mind of Father is a treatment more for letting go of the programs of the father.