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Cleanses and detoxes the weakest point within the body that attracts toxic energies.  Can also assist with auto-immune disorders.

This treatment purifies the toxic death of old.

What is the Zone of Death?

Individuals will carry a ball of negative energy within the body that could have been created from a prior or future life’s death or from a highly toxic experience such as strong food poisoning or an illness where toxic residue is left in the body.  This ball or called ‘death zone’ or ‘zone of toxins’ will be the weakest point of the body and will continue to attract further negative energy and toxins to it much like a magnet would.

This treatment helps identify and cleanse the weakest point in the body or that death zone area which is the primary cause of many auto-immune disorders. It is also helpful for those attempting to do a general cleanse or a parasite cleanse

More often than not the dead zone is located in the intestines.  Though it can be located in other organs as well.

Past Lives and the Dead Zone

Many hold onto what created death in a prior or future life. Most people die the same way over and over and over again, from life time to life time

An Example: Someone was stabbed to death in lower spine. That energy will usually exist there until healed. A toxic ball of energy will hold in that spot over many lives which can lead to death again in another life.

If one were to see an individual on life support die in front of them their energy consolidates into a specific point within a 1/100th of a second right after the point of death. It would look like an implosion then an explosion within the individual’s etheric body. That point will be carried with them into the next life time and is the zone of death. This may cause issues in the next life time and can often appear as birthmarks.


This treatment is for people who are ready to begin detoxing. After receiving it is recommended to go on a long slow detox to assist the energy to be collected and released. This treatment purifies the toxins of old: that ball of the prior life’s death.

Whenever one creates an auto-immune disorder one has to go back to what created it. ​This treatment will dissipate the cause attractor.  It usually will bring to the consciousness mind what the origin of the issue is.  A recommended detox is one that is more mild and takes longer to work.

A Good Gentle Cleanse

Lemon water first thing in the morning: Sets intestines for the day.
In additions 4x per day at least 2-3X tablespoons apple cider vinegar.
Room temperature water, not ice cold (Cold is never good for intestines). Make sure to use organic lemons.

Recommended Parasite Cleanse

​This is best parasite cleanse you can find on the market Clarkia

Tuning into the Death Zone

Most people if they tune into the zone of toxins they can feel it. Most though are so accustom to it they don’t notice it.  If they attempt to tune in with this treatment it will bring it to awareness. It will bring that part of the body into awareness. Depending on awareness of individual they will be in tune to the what, when, why about the dead zone.

Chronic weak points in the body will often be where the Zone of Death is located or it can be a referred point.

Other Treatments and Timing

This treatment is beneficial to do with Detox Life.
Detox life assists in collecting toxins and works with toxins throughout the body vs Zone of Death which works with the zone of toxins.

​Either treatments can be done first. If there is a deep issue then have Zone of Death first then Detox Life.