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Sealing the Wound of (Self) Deception

This treatment assists in healing the wounds created in the etherical heart caused by allowing self to be deceived.

What the Name of this Treatment Means

This treatment is named Sealing the Wound of Deception but can also be called Sealing the Wound of SELF Deception because it describes how one can only be deceived by another if they have first deceived themselves.

Deception and Addiction

The reason ones allow others to deceive them is because they have already deceived themselves. The brain wants recognition – it is part of the design of the brain and how it shares. When a brain is programmed with self deception it wants to share and therefore invites others to deceive it or for it to deceives others.

Additionally ones who are self deceived want to deceive others because it creates a temporary relief and comfort in the brain. This is wired into the addiction part of the brain and creates cravings and cycles of deception and addiction.

This cycle creates a wound and that wound carries pain to different varying degrees.

Lies and Creating a Point of Breaking

At a certain point the brain takes on so many lies in contradiction to the heart it goes into overload. The spiritual immune system can normally heal but to a point. When that point is passed deception increases, addiction increases, anger increases. When the pressure becomes to great that is when something breaks.

This cycle of pressure often develops over time without ones realizing. It as though someone squeezed your arm and it hurt but after a while your body adjusted to the pressure and stopped noticing the hurt. Then more pressure was added and again the body adjusted and then again more pressure and again it adapt and again and again until the point where the arm breaks and the person wonders how did this happen? Without realizing that it built slowly over time.

Group Deception

Ones can begin developing deception within a group and develop a group consciousness. An example of this is when ones get others to be angry at a common individual. They become part of the group and give up their individual perspective. They begin to give up critical thinking and examining without judgement. This is common in politics and religion as ones give up their individuality for the expression of the group. But can also be common in small group dynamics. In each case ones conform to the group belief.

Ones that deceive themselves often want to see themselves as normal. A question to ask yourself is have you allowed yourself to be deceived in order to be part of the group?

Another question to ask yourself is the original deception you believed that you are not an individual? That you cannot express your individuality?

This treatment can assist in healing the wound of deception but also remember that wound might be what allows you to stay in a group and attaches you to that group dynamic.

When people begin releasing this connection of deception they will begin feeling stress dissipate – like having a headache suddenly dissipate.

Other Treatments

Peaceful Brain, Sealing the Wound of Self Deception and The Age of Innocence compliment each other well.