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Restoring the Wick

A treatment to assist ones who have forgotten how to hold passion.

What This Treatment Does

This treatment is not about restoring the fire of passion but about restoring the wick to hold the fire of passion so it can be there again. It is a very literal title.

It is for people who are/have lost or misused their passion in life. Not only did they allow the passion to go out but they destroyed the wick. So they have no place to put their passion. Nothing to be passionate about.

This treatment helps to restore the meridians that hold passion – to help you to remember, feel again and rediscover something to be passionate about.

This treatment will help to reclaim, and re-examine passion. Restoring what was put somewhere else and forgotten.

Once you have this treatment you must work at restoring passion. Meaning the wick has been restored it is for you to light the flame again.

Who Would Benefit from this Treatment

This treatment would be good for ones who have given up on themselves and on life. They used to feel passion but no longer do and if they did find it they wouldn’t know what to do with it.

Everyone has felt passion at one point even it goes back to early childhood.

Often passion is lost when ones are influenced in a different direction such studying in school what their parents said they should but not what they desired.

This is a wonderful treatment for teenagers.

Other Treatments

Brain Passion – this is a helpful treatment to follow Restoring the Wick
Repowering the Core is for ones who had passion at one point and then had a major event push them off course.

This is one of the several treatments that support the energy of sacred psychology.
These are other treatments that do as well: