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This treatment assists with even the most successful excuses by bringing awareness to what they are and how subtly you may use them.

This treatment should be used with critical thinking – meaning take time to reflect on the excuses that you realize that you use then think through how they really work and what is behind them.

This treatment does not remove the excuses but brings the depths of them into your consciousness to understood and be worked with.

Here are Common Excuses to Examine with Critical Thinking

Not enough time

Could it be ones use this excuse because they simply don’t want to do it, whatever that is? And if that is the case you could ask the question why don’t you want to do? And search for an honest answer.

Could it also be it’s not lack of time but not prioritizing appropriately? Could it be in order to do what you want you might need to look at what is your highest priorities and what are your lowest ones?

Where do you waste time? And where do you put an effort in?

Do you have enough time to be busy? But not enough time to experience joy?

That Doesn’t Apply to me

How often do we use the excuse that doesn’t apply to me when it obviously does? Do we use the hidden excuse ‘I want to be special’ where we try to validate ourselves while in reality, we are not honoring our own uniqueness within ourselves.

Its to Hard/Difficult

What makes it too hard? Is there a normal learning curve that makes it seem difficult? Does it seem more difficult from the base of the mountain than from afar? Does it seem hard because it is different than what most people do and maybe we won’t fit in as much?

Should you expect it to be hard? Should you expect it to be painful? Or is that just a false belief the majority believe without questioning it?

If it is difficult have you taken time to plan how you will work through it?

I Tried and It Didn’t Work

Just like it’s too hard. Are you just using this to protect yourself? Or to be lazy so you don’t even have to try?

Have you researched how to improve on your mistakes when it didn’t work out? Have you taken time to plan how to improve or plan to put in more effort?

Not Fitting in / Looking for acceptance

Is your excuse to be socially acceptable? Perhaps it even helps you fit in with others who don’t have your best interest at heart or don’t support who you really are or don’t want to grow or heal.

When you put a mask on and make friends they don’t connect with you they connect with your mask. What would happen if you took your mask off? Would you lose friends? But also would you gain new ones that accept the real you? If people don’t accept the real then are accepting you at all?

I don’t know how

In this era there almost any information can be searched or researched. Is the issue not knowing how but that if I do know and I don’t do anything with it then I will feel guilty?

Becoming used to your own excuses

Have you made your excuses part of the parameters of how you operate? Meaning have you made an excuse into a restriction and then become accustomed to that limitation?

Just because an excuse is common doesn’t mean it is even close to valid. “It’s ok everyone has this issue. ” This leads to avoiding a good quality life because the standard can often be so low.

Does it feel good to be part of the majority? Does it feel bad to be part of the minority? Does being the majority mean being accepted?

Going Into This Treatment

If you are wanting this treatment pay attention to the excuses that may come up about before receiving or reason why to cancel or why you shouldn’t receive it.

Something to Ponder

If you remembered what it was like to be fully happy again then you would think twice about using your excuses to avoid it.

Other Treatments

This treatment is one of the sacred psychology treatments.
Other Sacred Psychology Treatments