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Creates a detox within the body and releases patterns that hold those toxins in the body on an unconscious levels.

This treatment works with the emotional body to create a powerful long term cleansing for the physical body. It also works with the unconscious in releasing and bringing awareness of what holds and brings toxins into body.

Many people who go through a detox don’t really go through a detox because they hold onto old patterns.  As a result certain toxin will not be released. This treatment allows for a full detox because it works with the patterns that are held onto by the unconscious mind which will often hold onto the old patterns.

When receiving this treatment patterns will come into awareness of how toxins are being attracted into the body. It is important to have an intention to fully detox as it allows for this awareness to surface.


The detox is not painful but resistance to the detox is painful. Aches are a sign that one is in resistance which comes from old patterns.  This treatment does prevent the body from being overloaded detoxing.

Other Treatments

This works well with Zone of Death.
Detox Life works well as a general long term detox for the physical body where as Zone of Death works with the specific weakest point of the body which attracts toxins.  Also a good treatment when auto-immune issues are involved instead of Detox Life.