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This treatment helps the cells to maintain integrity. As we age sometimes the cells can be misaligned, weak or prone to cancer this treatment helps to maintain the structure of the cells.

Cellular tranquility can be used for a number of things if I have had some type of illness like the flu, the mumps, measles or a viral infection. This would be a good treatment when recovering because it helps the cells to dump its toxic load and speeds up healing.

Cellular tranquility can also be used for someone who has gone through a very deep trauma – mental, emotional and/or physical. A physical example would be a car accident or someone getting beaten up. A mental or emotionally trauma like such as a nasty breakup and the person is having difficulties with moving on with their life or they, for some reason, make certain choices that brought up a deep depression. This treatment helps to create cellular tranquility and balance the structure that is fighting itself.

Other Treatments

If Cellular Confusion is done Cellular Tranquility must follow it 3 Hours to 3 Days later.
Cellular Tranquility can be done on its own.