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This Tai Yi treatment creates a clear channel in the brain bypassing the effects of brain fog whether from the effects of diet, drugs, or internal beliefs.

What is Brain Fog?

Brain fog is the experience of feeling mentally sluggish, groggy, or phased out of reality. This is often detrimental to mental clarity and simply being able to focus.

How this Treatment Works

There are many writings on this issue; many say drugs, improper diet, long-term stress, and different neurological diseases cause it. The list is very long. In ancient Chinese health, brain fog is caused by beliefs overpowering the mind of knowingness. This is the direct (but not only) cause of many neurological diseases.

This treatment does not interfere with one’s beliefs, but rather creates a clear channel for knowingness to more clearly flow making it easier to empower knowing versus beliefs.

Secondary Benefits

This treatment also assists the brain to detox and renew rejuvenating the brain.

Other Tools for Healing Brain Fog

Alongside reciving the Braing Fog Tai YI Treament individuals can also remove things from their environment that may be causes ogoing brain fog. This can often lead the brain ot naturally begin coming out of a fog.

The common things that can cause brain fog:

  • Trauma-Associated Smells
  • Trauma-Associated Foods
  • Drugs with Brain Fog as a side effect
  • Psychologiycal Issues and or Beliefs

Smells Being a Possible Causes of Brain Fog

The brain can be placed in a low grade trauma state ongoingly when it is exposed to an odor that it associates with a past trauma. This odor when constantly in someone’s environment can keep that original trauma active and in the background of that person’s experieince without them ever having a full awareness that this is occurring.

The reason that this occurs is the brain wants to attempt to resolve the trauma and does so by anchoring the trauma to a smell and then keeping the smell nearby it re-activates the trauma state. This is, intersteinstly enough, similar to gossip where the trauma is often relived but never fully resolved.

Now there can be many symptoms as a result of this odor-trauma association. They can show up as any of the following:

  • Brain Fog
  • Anxiety
  • Aches and Pains in the body
  • Deepening of depression
  • Increased irritation
  • Increased self judgement
  • Craving unhealthy substances (such as addiction to sugar)
  • Lack of Circulation

To stop these issues simply remove the smells which cause the assiociation.

How to Test Trauma/Brain Fog Causing Smells

Identify all of the different smells in your environment.
Then check each one indvidually by asking yourself “Does this smell have a negative effect on my brain?”

Then smell that odor. Inhale deeply. Wait 5 minutes and examine your feelings.
You might want to set a timer so you don’t forget you were doing the exercise.

If you are not having a negative reaction then keep it and enjoy.

But if you feel irritated and self judgmental or if your are craving an unhealthy substance such as sugar (smells can be a trigger for addiction). Then remove the object from my environment.

By removing these odor this allows the brain to exit the original trauma state that it is when in exposed to that smell. And it allows the brain to stop seeing things through the lens of tauma begin healing.

Where to Search

When searching there are many different items you check. Leave no stone unturned. Here are a few suggestions to check:

  • Candles and Incense
  • Laundry Detergent
  • Deodarant
  • Foods
  • Beverages
  • Oils
  • Perfumes/Colognes
  • Incense

Search the places you are most commonly in such as your home, car, office or any other places you are in often.

Over time the removal of a smell that is assiociated with a trauma will dissipiate the ongoing experience of that trauma. As a result it can assist in dissipating brain fog as well as the other issues listed above.

Diet as Cause of Brain Fog

Another area to search if you are experiencing ongoing brain fog is what are you eating. Just as smells can be assoicated with traumas so can foods.

If a traumatic episode occurred whatever food that was in your intestines, or sometimes in others parts of the digestive tract, during that event can begin to be associated with that trauma.

The result of eating this trauma associated food is that the body will often develop a food sensitivity whcih can cause an inflammation response.

This sensitivity applies to any food that a trauma has been assoicated with regardless if it is a normally healthy. Therefore organic, clean foods that are normally healhty can still cause sensitiviises for certain individuals.

A tool to Work on Trauma-Assoicate foods

One way to search is by doing an elimination diet where you remove foods that might be causing issues for 2 weeks and then re-introduce them back into your diet to see if they are causing issues.

If you would like a much more rapid approach then consider taking a food senstivity panel (or what is called an IgG test) to see what foods may be causing you an issue. Remove the top foods from the list form your diet.

A food sensitivity panel should not be confused with a allergen panel, sensitivities are often much more subtle then allergies. Regardless allergens should also be removed.

A good sensitivity test can be found here. (This is not an endorsement of this product or company.)

Other Treatments

This treatment works well with Brain Stress.