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Your immune system is a very complex integrated circuit.  It can be underactive or overactive, both causing health issues.  There is a very fine line of balance for the immune system.  This treatment works at balancing this fine line within your emotional and mental immune system.

The immune system is highly integrated into the physical body but it is also strongly connected to the mental and emotional immune systems as well. As a result depleting your mental and emotional immune system can also deplete your physical immune system. Conversely building your physical immune system can assist your mental and emotional immune systems.

This treatment supports your immune system by clearing out stagnation within the circuit of your immune system creating a healthy balance.

What this Treatment is Good for

This treatment is for ones who want to boost their immune system by clearing out stagnation. This can be helpful for ones who want to strengthen their immune system against viruses and bacterial infections.

This is also good for ones who want to build their mental and emotional immune systems.

This treatment is supportive for ones with lower immune function, for ones who have issues with auto-immune disorders (however they should still address the core of where the auto-immune came from). And also for ones exposed to toxic materials such heavy metals and preservatives found in vaccines.

Your Immune System and This Treatment

Your immune system is a continuous loop that is an integrated circuit within the body. This treatment blows out energy where it is stagnant. This allows it to grow stronger to create a balanced integrated immune system.


Because this treatment ‘blows out’ your immune system it may lead to feelings of tenderness in certain areas within your immune system. If this occurs take time to identify what organ, gland or area it is in and what the function of that location is. Do this to better understand where your immune system may have been out of balance and to help continue supporting that part of your immune system.

Overactive and Underactive Immune Systems

An overactive immune system is very unhealthy because your immune system will begin feeding on itself and will create inflammation in body. This often can lead to issues with Auto-immune disorders where the body begins to attack itself.

An under active immune system does not properly defend the body from outside pathogens such as germs and viruses leaving the body vulnerable to getting sick.

On the mental emotional level individuals with an under-active immune system will often want to give up easily and will be suicidal to a degree. These people usually have no relationships or at least no positive form of relationships throughout their life. They also usually feel constantly depleted.

Balancing the immune system means creating internal and external harmony so that the body is not attacking itself but also actively defending against outside influence whether that is pathogens or harmful thoughts and emotions.

Emotional and Mental Immune System

The physical body has its own immune system that protects the body from being sick additionally the mental and emotional bodies have their on immune systems.

A good gauge if you have a lowered or depleted Emotional Immune System is how emotionally you respond to failure and how emotionally reactive you become.

A good gauge for the health of your mental immune system is your ability to maintain your own thoughts under pressure. An example of this how often do you believe an authority figure without questioning what they are saying? Such as someone with a badge. Not questioning something is a sign of weakened or absent mental defense.


Individuals with auto-immune issues this treatment would be beneficial to be done 2-3x times. For more intense auto-immune issues do once a week, for less intense once a month.

Other Treatments

For a treatment to detox the body explore Detox Life