This treatment redirects your ancestral power, the power collected through your ancestral heritage, and helps to focus it in this lifetime. Redirecting it to yourself for a positive outcome and purpose.
Throughout your ancestral line there is power – both in knowledge and collective energy – this treatment redirects and realigns this ancestral power to become available to you. The abilities my ancestors had – I have. With this treatment different degrees of those abilities will come forward.
Let’s say you had an ancestor who could speak 5 languages. You could use this treatment to tune into them and redirect it to yourself and begin using it to empower learning a new language.
The Experience of this Treatment
Ones will often feel support for certain abilities coming forth after this treatment.
If you receive this treatment and feel different abilities coming up it is very helpful to being expressing those abilities or to educate yourself on them. As this helps to empower those abilities.
This treatment will bring all of the abilities from my ancestors forward. If I work with some of the abilities and not others then the ones I don’t use will fade away again. The as when not using an ability a person naturally has in this lifetime. Bottom line: Either use or lose it.
Other Tai Yi Treatments
Forgotten life treatment vs Ancestral Power Treatment
The Forgotten Life treatment draws on another lifetime pulling from that life time.
Where as Ancestral Power treatment draws from the power of your ancestors.
A similar Treatment to Ancestral Power is Genetic Strings which assists in empower the understanding and origin of your genetics as well as internal genetic conflicts.